
Taban Energy Pasargad Industries Development Company was established in 2010 with the aim of providing investment services, project management, commerce, design and engineering, equipment procurement, implementation and installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance in the field of power generation industries and facilities, renewable power plants, and energy industries (oil, gas, petrochemicals, and refineries) in Iran. The shares of this company, 100%, are owned by the Pasargad Energy Development Group (Pasargad Bank Energy Holding). Taban Energy Company, by gathering a rich set of technical and human resources under the management staff with its mission history, has focused on providing new services in the field of power plant, oil and gas industries. Among the competencies and capabilities of the company, the following can be mentioned:

    • Holding Grade 1 Certificate in Oil & Gas 
    • Holding Safety Certificate for Contractor
    • Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Gas Generators
    • Investor in the Field of Renewable Energy
    • Providing Services for Operation and Maintenance of Gas Transmission Pipelines, Gas Pressure Boosting Facilities, Gas Metering Station

    • Operation and Maintenance of Gas and Combined Cycle Power Plants
    • More than 1,000 Members


    In the construction and development of renewable power plants and distributed generation

      Taban Energy Company, as the custodian of investment in the construction and development of renewable power plants and distributed generation in the Pasargad Energy Development Group, has defined a special mission in this field. Also, one of the goals of the Energy Development Group is to centralize the provision of operation, maintenance and repair services required by the group in Taban Energy Company, which can be provided to other domestic and foreign companies.

    Taban Energy Pasargad Industries Development Co.

    @ 2019 by DNNGo Corp.

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    Unit 515, Hamila Complex, No.38, Fallahnejad St., Pounak Square, Tehran, Iran

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